Spider removal & control services
Spiders and spider infestations are most commonly seen in autumn and winter, when they are large and fully grown, and will begin to enter properties to find warmth and build nests. If you see a lot of spiders and/or webs in your home, then it is quite possible that there is a nest somewhere, most likely in your loft or wall space. Spiders in the UK generally pose no threat to humans or property, despite their messy webs, meaning that they are not typically considered a pest, and so should really be left alone; however, millions of people have a real fear of them, and find it difficult to have them in their home or workplace. There are some more dangerous species out there, and on very rare occasions, these can cause more risky situations. The ‘False Widow’ spider, for instance, has a bite that is harmful to humans.
If you want to deter spiders, clear away any webs regularly, and minimise potential hiding places - underneath furniture, wall crevices, gaps between furniture and calls. Spiders’ food source is other insects, so if you keep your home clear of these, this will also help to discourage spiders from creating webs. If you see a lot of webs, and/or they keep coming back, you may have an infestation, and we can apply a spray or powder directly to the affected area, and can also use fogging or smoke treatment if the infestation is more severe, for instance if you have multiple large nests, or the spiders’ hiding places are in a hard to reach area - in these cases treatment at the source will be necessary, as destroying the spiders themselves will not be enough. Like a lot of creatures, the different species of spiders have different nesting habits, so a professional pest controller will be able to identify the species to assess the level of threat your spider infestation poses, and determine the most appropriate and long-lasting treatment.
Spiders enter your home in search of sanctuary in attics, basements, and garages, where they may readily spin webs. Spider pest treatment is one of the most popular services in the UK because there are various spider species that infest dwellings.
Spider control is provided by Panther Pest Control in London. Anyone who wishes to get rid of spiders can rely on our discretion and personalised approach.
Call us on : 020 8857 4237

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