Bedbug removal & control services
Bedbugs (Cimex lectularius) are small blood-sucking insects that can live in cracks and crevices in and around your bed. everyone develops a skin reaction to bedbug bites, but some people develop itchy red bumps.
These appear around 20 to 30 minutes after being bitten and can last for several days Bed bugs need to feed on the blood of a human host. However in some cases they can survive up to a 6 to 8 months without feeding.
Although bedbugs can be upsetting and stressful to find, they aren't dangerous and don't transmit any human diseases. Most people don't develop any serious skin reaction. However, you should take action straight away to prevent the spread of an infestation.
This common pest once associated with unhygienic surroundings, is prevalent due to a number of reasons, including increased travel, the use of second hand furniture, and suspected tolerance to some pesticides.
These bugs still occur with regularity, particularly in multi-occupancy buildings with rapid resident turnover, for example, hostels, hotels, holiday camps and blocks of flats.
Bed bugs are excellent hitchhikers and can readily attach themselves to your baggage, outerwear, or any other object.
It will be much less expensive and difficult to deal with a bed bug infestation if you can catch it early. And the most effective approach to do so is to hire a professional bed bug exterminator.
Bed bugs are on the rise, and their numbers have risen dramatically in the last decade. As the pests were on the verge of extinction, low-cost air travel allowed individuals to fly to places where the bugs were still thriving, bringing them back to towns and cities across the United Kingdom. The overcrowding, as well as the sheer number of hotels, hostels, and shared accommodation, contribute to bed bug infestations in London.
Bed bugs are excellent hitchhikers and can readily attach themselves to your baggage, outerwear, or any other item.
Early detection of a bed bug infestation would make dealing with it much less expensive and frustrating. And the most reliable way to achieve this is with professional bed bug treatment.
Before beginning the treatment, we will conduct a thorough check of the entire property because bed bugs frequently hide in mattresses, bed frames, bed heads, bedside tables, other furniture, electrical fixtures and appliances, and beneath skirting and carpet edges.
Our London eradication service requires two visits spaced two weeks apart. For a thorough bed bug elimination, the exterminators make two visits using two different insecticides.
The second bed bug treatment often follows the previous one by two weeks. The second component is used to treat the affected regions to get rid of newly emerged bed bugs and make sure that all bed bug life stages have been completely eradicated. As another option, you might schedule a heat treatment to get rid of the bugs.
After the treatment has been applied, exterminators advise waiting at least five days before cleaning or vacuuming the surfaces.
Call us on : 020 8857 4237

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